Empowered Living Grief Work

Finding Freedom Through Grief

In Empowered Living Grief Work sessions, we learn to open to grief.

Grief can be liberating. When we are grieving we are in a liminal space. It’s a time where all that is not ‘us’, the conditioning, outdated/maladaptive survival strategies, trauma based identities, harmful beliefs/stories about who we are, are more available to be released. Physically it’s a time where our brain is literally changing and updating to a new reality! We can use the opportunity of this liminal space and time of change to let go of negative identities and belief systems about life to make space for our Essence, our most authentic self and relationship to life, to shine through.

The work of grief is to access this level of freedom that grief is offering us. We do this by learning to open to the raw energies of grief. By softening and surrendering into the liminal space. ‘Working’ with grief is actually the cultivation of a healthy relationship with major aspects of human life, death and change. When we have the skills to work creatively with death and change we open doorways of new possibilities for ourselves, others, and the world. We discover more loving and life affirming futures that were beyond our wildest imaginations.

These sessions are focused on opening to grief in the ways that are natural and instinctive to our particular Being. I hold space for us to listen to and follow the feral and specific ways your being knows how to meet grief. I offer somatic, meditative, ritual, and practical explorations to develop the capacity to stay present and coherent as grief arises to move through in day to day life. Together we play in the realms of the liminal reclaiming innate freedom and creative aliveness.

Empowered Living Grief Work comes in 6 session packages. They are 60-75 mins long. During these 6 weeks homeplay is offered between sessions to slowly and gently build the skills required to open to and be with grief. The elements and the natural world are a core theme of the sessions and homeplay.

ELGW 6 Session Package is offered on a sliding of $900-$1440*. Schedule an exploration call with Mikyö to find out if Empowered Living Grief Work may be supportive for you and your journey.


*Mikyö deeply values accessibility for all people. If this work is calling to you and finances are a challenge there are scholarships available. Click here to apply