
I offer a variety of sessions, virtually and in person. All sessions are somatically based, in deep relationship with the elements. I invite you to schedule a free consultation to find out which one/s may be right for you.

  • Empowered Living Grief Work 

  • Community Grief Rituals

  • Grief Focused Intuitive Bodywork

  • Energetic Resilience Technique

  • QiGong and Yoga

  • Nature Ceremonies and Retreats

Community Grief Rituals

Communal grieving offers something that we cannot get when we grieve by ourselves. Through validation, acknowledgement and witnessing, communal grieving allows us to experience a level of healing that is deeply and profoundly freeing. Each of us has a basic human right to that genuine love, happiness and freedom.’ ~ Sobonfu Somé

There is no other way but through. Grief is the price we pay for loving. The opportunity to surrender to love, allow grief to move through our bodies, and alchemize our losses in a community and ritual container is a healing and kind act towards ourselves and the world we live in.

Community Grief Ritual revolves around a beautiful co-created grief altar, live drumming, and community singing. Inspired by the grief rituals from the Dagara peoples of Burkino Faso brought to the U.S. by Sobonfu Some, infused with the wisdom of Francis Weller, this ritual was created and has been lead by Dana Schlick since 2017. Mikyö Black-Wangmo joined her in 2021. Together they are listening and responding as the grief medicine and ritual continues to unfold and evolve.


Being with Grief

Mikyö offers courses and workshops focused on learning the ways of grief. In these spaces we come into deeper connection with our bodies and our own living presence. We study the language of grief and explore how to meet grief in ourselves and others in health, grounded, liberating ways. The focus of Being with Grief offerings is to be in discovery of the medicine and healing that grief has to offer us. Through being with grief we return home to ourselves.